Yellow Tail Sushi Bar* – GRONDA
Restaurant/Bar Yellow Tail Sushi Bar*Bangkok, Thailand
Courtesy of Rockwell Group. Completed while a Managing Director at Rockwell Group, Madrid. Photos © Owen Raggett.

A Sushi Bar with a Sense of Materials and Craftsmanship

The award-winning VIE Hotel Bangkok asked for the renovation of three floors including a new bar, outdoor terrace and restaurant. A custom sculpture of a yellow tail fish welcomes guests at the ground floor entrance. Yellow Tail Sushi Bar, located on the third level, incorporates organic and luxurious materials such as black granite, fabrics from Jim Thompson, and an undulating fish net of wooden slats that defines the ceiling and walls. The sushi counter is manufactured out of one large piece of wood.

*Completed while a Managing Director at Rockwell Group, Madrid.